- Past Mayors
Past Mayors
In 1977 the Council was granted Borough status and the first Mayor was elected. Since being granted Borough status in 1977, there have been 47 Mayors in office including the current Mayor, Councillor Teresa Cullen.
The Mayor represents the Borough by attending over 250 events during their civic year in office. These engagements include official openings, play schemes, sports functions, charity events, special occasions such as golden weddings and other significant anniversaries and birthdays.
Current Mayor
Find out about the current Mayor and Deputy Mayor.
Past Mayors
2023/24 - Councillor Teresa Cullen
Labour Councillor for Toton & Chilwell Meadows
Councillor Teresa Cullen was Mayor during the 2023/24 Civic Year
Teresa supported Broxtowe Community Fund

2022/23 - Councillor David Grindell
Liberal Democrats Councillor for Stapleford South East
Councillor David Grindell was Mayor during the 2022/23 Civic Year
David supported Middle Street Resource Centre and Durban House Community Hub
2021/22 - Councillor Richard MacRae
Independent Councillor for Stapleford North
Councillor Richard MacRae was Mayor during the 2021/22 Civic Year
Richard supported Broxtowe Youth Homelessness
2020/21 - Councillor Janet Patrick
Labour Councillor for Beeston West
Councillor Janet Patrick was Mayor during the 2020/21 Civic Year
Janet supported Citizens Advice Broxtowe
2019/20 - Councillor Michael Brown
Conservative Councillor for Greasley
Councillor Michael Brown was Mayor during the 2019/20 Civic Year
Michael supported the Trent Cardiac Unit at Nottingham City Hospital during his year in office.
2018/19 - Councillor Derek Burnett BEM
Conservative Councillor for Nuthall West and Watnall.
Councillor Derek Burnett was Mayor during the 2018/19 Civic Year.
A former Police Officer, Derek supported the Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen Families Association (SSAFA) and East Midlands Ambulance Service during his time as Mayor.
2017/18 - Councillor Halimah Khaled MBE
Conservative Councillor for Toton and Chilwell Meadows.
Councillor Halimah Khaled MBE was Mayor during the 2017/18 Civic Year.
Halimah supported Wellbeing of Women during her Civic Year.
2016/17 - Councillor Graham Harvey
Conservative Councillor for Chilwell West.
Councillor Graham Harvey was Mayor during the 2016/17 Civic Year.
He spent his career working at Plessey Telecommunications.
Graham raised funds for Prostate Cancer during his year in Office.
2015/16 - Councillor Susan Bagshaw
Labour Councillor for Eastwood Hilltop.
Councillor Susan Bagshaw was Mayor during the 2015/16 Civic Year.
Chair of the Eastwood Volunteer Bureau, Councillor Susan Bagshaw chose Nottingham Hospitals Charity and Forces In The Community as her charities.
2014/15 - Councillor Stan Heptinstall MBE
Liberal Democrat Councillor for Bramcote.
Councillor Stan Heptinstall MBE was Mayor during the 2014/15 Civic Year.
He spent his career a Professor of Thrombosis and Haemostasis at the University of Nottingham.
He raised funds for Hope Nottingham and Cancer Research UK whilst he was Mayor.
2013/14 - Councillor Iris White
Labour Councillor for Stapleford North.
Councillor Iris White was Mayor during the 2013/14 Civic Year.
She supported Treetops Hospice and The Helpful Bureau during her time as Mayor.
2012/13 - Councillor Margaret Handley
Conservative Councillor for Greasley.
Councillor Margaret Handley was Mayor during the 2012/13 Civic Year.
She spent her career as a teacher.
She supported The Ryan Lee Trust and The Royal British Legion.
2011/12 - Councillor Jacky Williams
Liberal Democrat Councillor for Stapleford South East.
Councillor Jacky Williams was Mayor during the 2011/12 Civic Year.
She supported Rainbows Hospice and The Salvation Army during her time as Mayor.
Jacky spent her career as a Senior Research Fellow in the Medical schools of Warwick University and the University of Nottingham.
2010/11 - Councillor Pat Lally
Labour Councillor for Beeston Central.
Councillor Pat Lally was Mayor during the 2010/11 Civic Year.
He spent most of his career in manufacturing engineering.
Pat supported Parish Pantry and St George’s Mother and Child Hospital in Nigeria during his year in office.
2009/10 – Councillor John Longdon
Councillor John Longdon was Mayor during the 2009/10 Civic Year.
He spent his career as an Engineer.
John supported Help For Heroes and Breathe Easy during his time as Mayor.
2008/09 - Councillor Sue Wildey
Councillor Sue Wildey was Mayor during the 2008/09 Civic Year.
Sue worked in newspaper advertising.
Sue supported When You Wish Upon a Star and D.A.R.E UK during her time as Mayor.
2007/08 - Councillor Brian Wombwell
Councillor Brian Wombell was Mayor during the 2007/08 Civic Year.
Brian spent his career as a Contracts Engineer.
Brian supported the NSPCC during his time as Mayor.
2006/07 - Councillor Doug Wilcockson
Councillor Doug Wilcockson was Mayor during the 2006/07 Civic Year.
Doug worked as a Site Manager.
Doug supported Marie Curie Cancer Care during his time as Mayor.
2005/06 - Councillor Lynda Lally
Councillor Lynda Lally was Mayor during the 2005/06 Civic Year.
Lynda was a hairdresser before working in various community roles.
Lynda supported Victim Support Nottinghamshire during her time as Mayor.
2004/05 - Councillor Christine Wombwell
Councillor Christine Wombwell was Mayor during the 2014/05 Civic Year.
Christine worked in Personnel.
Christine supported The National Autistic Society during her time as Mayor.
2003/04 - Councillor Jim Kenny (dec)
Councillor Jim Kenny was Mayor during the 2003/04 Civic Year.
Jim worked in Engineering.
Jim supported St Johns Ambulance during his time as Mayor.
2002/03 - Councillor Jan Thorley
Councillor Jan Thorley was Mayor during the 2002/03 Civic Year.
Jan worked as a Civil Servant.
Jan supported The Guide Dogs For The Blind Association during her time as Mayor.
2001/2002 - Councillor Terry Syson
Councillor Terry Syson was Mayor during the 2001/02 Civic Year.
Terry worked in various roles, including for the Council.
Terry supported The Nottinghamshire Deaf Society during his time as Mayor.
2000/2001 - Councillor Roger Collins
Councillor Roger Collins was Mayor during the 2000/2001 Civic Year
Roger worked in various roles including the Armed Forces.
Roger supported The County Air Ambulance and Fire Service National Benevolent Fund during his time as Mayor.
1999/2000 - Councillor Frank Prince
Councillor Frank Prince was Mayor during the 1999/2000 Civic Year.
Frank spent most his working life in the book trade working with major publishers.
Frank supported SCOPE and Challenge House as his charities as his charities during his time as Mayor.
1998/1999 - Councillor R Todd
Councillor R Todd was Mayor during the 1998/1999 Civic Year.
Councillor R Todd supported Barnados and the Children's Society during his time as Mayor.
1997/1998 - Councillor Maureen Tewson
Councillor Maureen Tewson was Mayor during 1997/1998 Civic Year.
Maureen worked for GPT for many years on the shop floor.
Maureen supported the PDSA and Guide Dogs for the Blind during her time as Mayor.
1996/1997 - Councillor John White
Councillor John White was Mayor during 1996/1997 Civic Year.
John supported the Alzheimers charity during his time as Mayor.
1995/1996 - Councillor Tom Martin CdeG
Councillor Tom Martin CdeG was Mayor during 1995/1996 Civic Year.
Tom supported Macmillan Cancer Nurses during his time as Mayor.
1994/1995 Councillor Joan Moodie
Councillor Joan Moodie was Mayor during 1994/1995 Civic Year.
Joan worked at both Boots and later a school in Beeston
Joan supported the work of the Medical Research Centre, Nottingham City Hospital during her time as Mayor.
1993/1994 - Councillor Lydia Ball
Councillor Lydia Ball was Mayor during 1993/1994 Civic Year.
Lydia was a market trader in fabrics.
Lydia supported Macmillan Cancer Nurses during her time as Mayor.
1992/1993 - Councillor Hazel Braithwaite
Councillor Hazel Braithwaite was Mayor during 1992/1993 Civic Year.
Hazel supported the Lithotriptor Campaign at Nottingham City Hospital during her time as Mayor.
1991/1992 - Councillor John Booth
Councillor John Booth was Mayor during 1991/1992 Civic Year.
John supported The Child Arthritic Fund at Queen's Medical Centre during his time as Mayor.
1990/1991 - Councillor W Shaw
Councillor W Shaw was Mayor during 1990/1991 Civic Year.
W supported Haywood House during his time as Mayor.
1989/1990 - Councillor Terance Buckley
Councillor Terance Buckley was Mayor during 1989/1990 Civic Year.
Terrance worked as an accountant in Kimberley.
1988/1989 - Councillor Sheila Foster
Councillor Sheila Foster was Mayor during 1988/1989 Civic Year.
Sheila worked as Deputy Head teacher in Long Eaton for many years.
Sheila supported the British Heart Foundation during her time as Mayor.
1987/1988 - Councillor J.D Taylor
Councillor J.D Taylor was Mayor during 1987/1988 Civic Year.
J.D Taylor spent many years working in Local Government.
1986/1987 - Councillor W.B Lawlor
Councillor W.B Lawlor was Mayor during 1986/1987 Civic Year.
1985/1986 - Councillor G Stanley
Councillor G Stanley was Mayor during 1985/1986 Civic Year.
1984/1985 - Councillor J Sutton
Councillor J Sutton was Mayor during 1984/1985 Civic Year.
1983/1984 - Councillor Ann Morris
Councillor Ann Morris was Mayor during 1983/1984 Civic Year.
Ann worked at the University of Nottingham for many years.
1982/1983 - Councillor A Briggs
Councillor A Briggs was Mayor during 1982/1983 Civic Year.
1981/1982 - Councillor Robert Hulland
Councillor Robert Hulland was Mayor during 1981/1982 Civic Year.
Robert worked at the Nottinghamshire Special Constabulary for many years.
1980/1981 - Councillor Harold Clifford
Councillor Harold Clifford was Mayor during 1980/1981 Civic Year.
1979/1980 - Councillor W.T Fuller
Councillor W.T Fuller was Mayor during 1979/1980 Civic Year.
1978/1979 - Councillor Phil Kiddier
Councillor Phil Kiddier was Mayor during 1978/1979 Civic Year.
1977/1978 - Councillor K Archer
Councillor K Archer was Mayor during 1977/1978 Civic Year.