Development Management Policies: Issues & Options

In February 2015 Broxtowe published a Development Management Policies: Issues and Options document for consultation. The document discusses issues surrounding the existing 2004 Broxtowe Local Plan policies and the option of some potential new policies.

Development Management policies (.pdf) (470KB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window) are important because planning decisions (taken when determining planning applications) need to accord with the policies that form part of the Statutory Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

Once adopted, these policies (alongside those in the Core Strategy) will entirely replace the “saved” policies in the 2004 Broxtowe Local Plan (.pdf) (119KB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window).

Documents required by Regulation:

In accordance with the Cabinet recommendation (.pdf) (6.03MB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window) the Council undertook a public consultation.

The consultation ran from 9th February 2015 until 23rd March 2015.