Your Home
- Introductory Tenancies
- Tenancy Agreement
- Tenants Handbook
- Changing Name on Tenancy Agreement
- Garden Maintenance Scheme
- Permission for Pets
- Property Alterations/Improvements
- Contents Insurance
- Ending a Tenancy
Introductory Tenancies
When a new tenant is housed by Broxtowe Borough Council they will be granted an introductory tenancy, unless they are already a tenant and are transferring.
An introductory tenancy is granted for a period of 12 months during which time you must meet with your Neighbourhood Coordinator at months one, four and nine to discuss the progress of your introductory tenancy. As long as the introductory tenancy is conducted in a satisfactory manner with no breaches of tenancy it shall become a secure tenancy after 12 months.
It is important as an introductory tenant that you are conducting your tenancy in a satisfactory manner, not causing any anti-social behaviour or having rent arrears as an introductory tenancy is less secure and the Council can apply to extend or to terminate and evict where an introductory tenancy has been breached. An introductory tenant also has less rights, all of these can be found in the your tenancy explained leaflet (.pdf) (281KB) (Opens in a New Window).
Tenancy Agreement
A tenancy agreement is a legally binding document. It sets out your rights and responsibilities as a tenant of Broxtowe Borough Council and also Broxtowe Borough Council's rights and responsibilities as your landlord.
You will be asked to sign your tenancy agreement when you sign up to a new property. It is important that you keep this document in a safe place as you may need to refer to it throughout your tenancy.
Tenants Handbook
This handbook contains useful advice and information and should answer many of the questions that you have about your tenancy.
Please remember that this is for guidance only and does not form part of your tenancy agreement. It is important that you have read your agreement as it is the formal legal document covering the terms and conditions of your tenancy.
Download the Tenant Handbook (.pdf) (1.89MB) (Opens in a New Window).
Changing the Name on Tenancy Agreements, Due to Separation, Marriage, Death etc
Please contact the Neighbourhoods Services team with details of the changes you wish to make. A member of the team may contact you if they require further information.
Garden Maintenance Scheme 
The Council offers assistance to tenants who are not able to maintain their garden, through the Garden Maintenance Scheme - which applies to tenants who are over 60 and/or are disabled.
The scheme offers multiple cuts of gardens and hedges throughout the year; information about when the cuts will take place when you have been accepted onto the scheme.
You may be asked to provide proof of eligibility to support and verify your application.
If you live in Independent Living, your gardens will be maintained through the scheme.
Property Alterations/Improvements
You must make a request to make alterations by emailing Housing. Please include your name, address and the type of work you want to carry out in your request and we will respond in writing.
Contents Insurance
As a tenant you may believe we automatically insure your furniture, belongings and decorations against fire, vandalism or water damage such as burst pipes but this is not the case. We strongly advise you to take out household contents insurance. You can do this either through making your own private arrangements or by printing and completing the application form below. Once complete, the form needs to be returned to RSA – Uris Group directly using the details on the form.
Permission for Pets
The Council requests that tenants who wish to keep pets in their home put in a request by emailing Housing. Please include your name, address and the type of animal you wish to keep. The Housing Department will respond to your request in writing.
The Council will not reasonably withhold permission for requests it receives but if you live on certain Independent Living schemes, permission will be withheld.
Download the Pets Policy (.pdf) (295KB) (Opens in a New Window)
Ending a Tenancy
You can end your tenancy by speaking to the Allocations team on 0115 917 3347.
You can also terminate your tenancy by completing the 'Tenancy Termination Form' at the Reception at the Beeston Offices.
Once your tenancy has ended, keys can be returned in person to the Broxtowe Council Offices in Beeston or by registered post. The termination notice is a 4 week notice period and all tenancies will end on the following Sunday.
If you are a next of kin terminating a tenancy on behalf of a tenant who has passed away, please provide a death certificate or Tell Us Once form along with the termination form.