Crime, Safety & Emergencies

Broxtowe Borough Council is committed to reducing crime and anti-social behaviour.


Anti-Social Behaviour

Anti-social behaviour is a broad term used to describe the day to day incidents of crime, nuisance and disorder that makes many people's lives a misery. Find out more about how Broxtowe tackles Anti-social behaviour.

Crime and Community Safety

Community Safety covers a broad spread of issues for the local community, from reducing crime and anti-social behaviour to providing CCTV and security services at locations across the Borough. Find out more on how Broxtowe Borough Council helps in dealing with crime.

Community Safety Partnership

The South Nottinghamshire Community Safety Partnership of which Broxtowe Borough Council is a member brings together a range of different organisations to tackle issues across Broxtowe and the rest of South Nottinghamshire. Find out more about the Partnership.

CCTV Surveillance Systems

The surveillance systems used throughout Broxtowe form part of the wider crime reduction strategy and images from these systems are continuously monitored at the council's shared communications centre. Find out more about how we use CCTV.

Domestic Violence and Abuse

Domestic abuse isn't just physical. It's about someone you know trying to control your life. This could be a partner, ex-partner, or someone in the family. It can be financial, psychological, emotional or sexual. Find out more about the Domestic Violence and Abuse Services in Broxtowe.

Drugs and Alcohol

Change, Grow, Live (CGL) New Directions County South is a drug and alcohol treatment and recovery service for adults in Nottinghamshire. Find out more about them and the Drugs and Alcohol services available in Broxtowe.

Emergency Planning

Broxtowe Borough Council's Emergency Planning Team deals with those emergencies that require a response from one or more of the Council's services that are extraordinary and exceptional to the usual level of service provision and / or that the Emergency Services can't handle alone. Find out more about the work the Emergency Planning Team do.

Hate Crime

A hate incident is: "Any incident, which may or may not constitute a criminal offence, which is perceived by the victim or any other person, as being motivated by prejudice or hate." Find out more on how to report and deal with a Hate Crime.

Modern Slavery

Find out more about the work Broxtowe Borough Council does to help prevent Modern Slavery.


Have you seen something, heard something, or been told something which has troubled you about a child or vulnerable adult? Find out how to help us safeguard those who are vulnerable.

Terrorism and Extremism

CONTEST is the name given to the United Kingdom's counter-terrorism strategy. Its aim is to reduce the risk to the UK and its interests overseas from terrorism, so that people can go about their lives freely and with confidence. Find out more on how to help tackle Terrorism and Extremism.

tel: 0800 555 111
Broxtowe Borough Council
tel: 0115 917 7777