Local Land Charges Search

Information about Local Land Charges, local searches and other points of contact.

Purchasers and re-mortgagers of properties within the Borough will usually need to carry out a search of the Local Land Charges Register to establish whether there are any entries recorded for the property in the register. If a full search is submitted (i.e. a search of the Local Land Charges Register plus the Con.29 form) this would reveal other things which may affect individual properties, such as adopted roads, outstanding notices, potential enforcement matters and proposed traffic schemes.

From 25th April we will no longer provide a local land charges search service.

After this date, our Local Land Charges Register will have migrated to HM Land Registry’s national register. You will be able to access a new digital service through Portal, Business Gateway and on HM Land Registry’s GOV.UK pages.

For more information visit GOV.UK

Summary Of Fees from 1 April 2024

VAT is payable at the standard rate on Con29 requests. The following fees will apply:

Land Charges Costs
Search Fee

Conveyancing form (CON29R Form)

£85.60 + VAT (Total £102.72) (see note below regarding Rights of Way responses)

Each additional parcel of land:

Con29R = £14.28 + VAT (Total £17.14)

Part II printed additional enquiries (i.e. CON29O Form)

Question 22 = £40 + VAT (Total £48)

All other Part II enquiries 

£12.50 + VAT (Total £15.00) each, apart from Question 21 which the Borough council is unable to respond to and there is therefore no fee set for this

Note: For search areas in excess of 2 square km please ask for a price quotation for the Con29 fee as Nottinghamshire County Council Rights of Way will charge a higher fee for these larger areas.

Submitting A Local Search

When submitting a local search, please ensure that the postal address is clear and correct and that a plan is submitted in duplicate wherever possible. This will help to avoid any unnecessary delays. 

An official local search takes approximately 10 working days to complete.

National Land Information Service (NLIS)

Broxtowe Borough Council is currently registered at Level 2 with NLIS, i.e. able to receive local searches through the Internet.

Drainage Enquiries

Drainage enquiries should be addressed to:

Severn Trent Searches
PO Box 10155

DX Number: DX 723860 Nottingham 43
Telephone: 0115 971 3550

Fax Number: 0115 971 3551

Email: enquiries@severntrentsearches.com

Please visit Severn Trent's Website (Opens in a New Window)

Coal Authority Searches

Coal authority searches should be submitted to:-

The Coal Authority
200 Lichfield Lane

Telephone: 0345 762 6848

Copy Documents

For details of the charge for copy documents please contact the Land Charges Team.

Further Information

Government publications on home buying and selling can be found under "Offsite Links".

Personal Searches

Details for arranging appointments for personal searches of the Local Land Charges Register and access to information for completion of the Con29 enquiries.

The Local Land Charges Register is available for inspection by members of the public free of charge. An appointment is necessary.

There is no pro forma for carrying out a personal search, but please bear in mind the following points:-

  • Please give at least 24 hours notice for an appointment to inspect the Local Land Charges Register. Provide the name of the person or company who will be carrying out the personal search. Although every effort is made to accommodate all appointments, it may be necessary to cancel due to sickness or other emergencies, so please give contact details if not already known. Please also provide the address for the personal search and any other details to enable correct identification of the property.

  • It is useful to bring a plan and also a grid reference for the property when carrying out the personal search.

  • Public registers are also available for inspection.

  • Please keep to the appointment time as there may be other appointments on the same day.

Please note an official certificate of search will not be provided to a personal searcher.

It is possible to request  the necessary information to complete the Con29 forms.  Please see the form "Arrangements for Access to Con29 Information" setting out details of this, together with the relevant fees.  Using the Form "Request for Access to Information" it is possible to download the request and e-mail to the Land Charges Department.  Alternatively, you can telephone through your requirements to the local land charges section.  We aim to return all requests within 3/4 working days, on payment of the required fee.

Useful Documents

Access to information from 1 April 2020(pdf.) (164KB) (Opens in a new window)

New search request form from 1 April 2020 (pdf) (92KB) (Opens in a new window)

Request for access to information form from 1 April 2020 (pdf.) (124KB) (Opens in a new window)

Land Charges
tel: 0115 917 3285