Housing Community Fund

This page contains information about the Community Fund

Heart in two hands with text saying 'Housing's community fund'


The Community Fund is for small scale projects that benefit the Council’s Housing customers and the communities they live within. It is designed to benefit as many projects as possible in areas across the Borough with Council Housing properties.

Up to £1,000 per project is available.

Funding Criteria 

Grant funding may be used for projects which contribute to one or more of the priorities outlined below:

  • Improving health and wellbeing
  • Tenancy sustainment and financial inclusion
  • Neighbourhood improvements and empowering communities
  • Reducing loneliness and social isolation

What can the grant money be used for?

  • Buying or hiring equipment and tools to enable a project to take place
  • Buying materials such as paint, plants, wood and compost
  • Paying someone to perform a task such as a gardener or joiner. Where applicants do not have a bank account the Council can make payments on behalf of the project, where prior arrangements have been agreed for this
  • Hiring venues, paying for catering or paying for activities for community events
  • Paying appropriate volunteer expenses, in line with an approved expenses procedure

Who can apply?

You will need to be a Broxtowe Borough Housing customer, who is over the age of 18 years old. Though don't discount young people, they have fantastic ideas too so make sure when you’re thinking of projects, they are listened to as well.Three talking heads with speech bubbles above

Furthermore, Recognised Community Groups who are constituted, or working towards a formal constitution. We, the engagement team can provide support and guidance to Housing customers to help you develop a Community Group. 

Important: The must to at least two people submitting with signatures to application.

Unfortunately, there’s also a few groups that cannot apply. These include statutory bodies, Parish/Town Council and community centres/halls look to cover building improvement costs. The full list of who cannot apply is in stated within the Guidelines (.pdf) (27.7 KB) (Opens in a New Window).

How can I apply?

Housing Engagement Team
tel: 0115 917 3935