Housing Strategy, Performance and Delivery

This page contains information on Housing performance.


Housing Strategy

The Housing Strategy  2020-2024 brings together priorities outlined in the Corporate Plan with other strategies covering Housing services, including the Engagement Strategy, Neighbourhood Strategy and Garage Strategy.  

As set out in the Corporate Plan, the aim for Housing in Broxtowe is:

'A good quality home for everyone'

For this to be achieved the Corporate Plan has three priorities for housing:

  • Build more houses, more quickly on under used or derelict land
  • Invest to ensure our homes are safe and more energy efficient
  • Prevent homelessness and help people to be financially secure and independent

To develop this strategy a discussion paper was presented to Housing Committee outlining how the priorities will be achieved.  This included responses to consultation seeking views from tenants, residents and stakeholders, along with outcomes of discussions held with the Resident Involvement Group around the priorities. 

View the Housing Strategy for 2020 - 2024 (.pdf) (198KB) (Opens in a New Window)

Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs)

You can now view the latest Tenant Satisfaction Measures here. 


  • Overall Satisfaction - 66%
  • Satisfied the home we provide is well maintained - 71%
  • Fire Safety Checks - 18.5%
  • Satisfied we listen to your views and act on them - 48%
  • Satisfied with our approach to handling complaints - 25%
  • Satisfied we make a positive contributions to neighbourhoods  - 56%

You can read the full response to all the questions and our new step actions by visiting the Tenant Satisfaction Measures webpage. 

Housing Delivery

Details of the Council's plans for Housing Delivery can be found here.

Affordable Housing

Affordable housing is defined as social rented, affordable rented and intermediate housing, provided to eligible households whose needs are not being met by the current market. Eligibility is determined with regard to local incomes and house prices.

You can find information on Affordable Housing here

Housing Performance

You can view the latest Performance information by visiting the Housing Performance webpage

Housing Annual Report

The Housing Annual Report provides information on the work of the Housing Department over the last financial year. It is published in October and aims to provide tenants with useful and interesting information on key housing areas like repairs, modernisations, etc.

Housing Strategy
tel: 0115 917 3935