- Parks and Open Spaces Survey 2023
- Budget Consultation 2025/26
- Consultation and Consideration for Camera Surveillance
- Parks and Open Spaces Survey 2024
- Smoke Control Area Consultation
- Brinsley Headstocks Consultation
- Budget Consultation 2024/25
- Replacement of Smoke Control Orders
- Bramcote Hills Park Consultation
- Have Your Say On Polling Place Review 2023
- Let's Talk Broxtowe
- Climate Change and Green Futures Consultation 2023
Parks and Open Spaces Survey 2023
View the results of the Parks and Open Spaces Survey.
The Council ran its annual consultation about our Parks and Open Spaces in late Summer 2023.
How many people took part? 
381 residents had their say.
The results showed that:
- 87% of respondents said the parks assessed were Fair and above.
- Beeston Fields Recreation Ground, Hetley Pearson Recreation Ground and Bramcote King Georges V Park all scored highly with 90% of responses about those sites considering them to be Fair and above.
Download a copy of the Pride in Parks Update 2023(.pdf)(155KB)(Opens in a new window). This report includes the results of the Parks and Open Spaces Survey 2023.
Next steps 
Your responses helped to inform improvements for our parks and open spaces.
Following the consultation, fruit trees have been planted with signs that invite people to pick the fruit. This includes a community orchard which has been planted at the entrance to Cator Lane Recreation Ground. A sign will be installed at this site as well.
You can find more information about your local parks and open spaces on our webpage.