- Business Rates
Business Rates
The business rate is calculated by multiplying the rateable value of property by the standard or small business rating multiplier. The government sets the rating multiplier. For 2023-2024 the multipliers are:
- small business multiplier: 49.9p
- standard multiplier: 51.2p
For 2024/25 the multipliers are:
- small business multiplier: 49.9p
- standard multiplier: 54.6p
The Valuation Office Agency assess the rateable value of a property. They revalue all properties periodically to ensure the Rating List keeps pace with changing property values. The current Rating List came into force on 1 April 2023. The next Rating List is due to come into force on 1 April 2026.
If your require further information please check out this introduction to business rates. (Opens in a New Window)
To check the rateable value of a property please visit the Valuation Office Agency's website. (Opens in a New Window)