Core Strategy Option for Consultation 2010

Following the response to the ‘Issues and Options’ consultation Ashfield, Broxtowe, Erewash, Gedling, Nottingham City and Rushcliffe jointly prepared a more detailed ‘Option for Consultation’ document.

Following the response to the ‘Issues and Options’ consultation Ashfield, Broxtowe, Erewash, Gedling, Nottingham City and Rushcliffe jointly prepared a more detailed ‘Option for Consultation’ document (.pdf) (4.05MB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window).  A Core Strategy Sustainability Appraisal Interim Report (.pdf) (1.67MB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window) also formed part of the consultation.

The ‘Option for Consultation’ report set out an overall spatial vision for Greater Nottingham (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window) and 19 strategic policies to bring about the vision and was accompanied by a Key Diagram (.pdf) (1.08MB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window) outlining Strategic Issues and potential Sustainable Urban Extensions. A summary document (.pdf) (373KB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window) for the policies and the themes was also made available.

The consultation ran from 15th February to 12th April 2010.

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