Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs)

This page provides information on the Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey.


What are the Tenant Satisfaction Measures?

In April 2023, the Regulator of Social Housing introduced Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) aimed at driving up standards and to improve the quality of social housing by ensuring housing providers are accountable for the services delivered to customers.

All social housing providers are required to ask a set of standard questions at least once a year that relate to their level of satisfaction.

Between November 2023 and January 2024, 1,153 of you took part in a survey carried out by Acuity Research.

These measures will:

  • Provide valuable insights into our customer satisfaction and highlight areas for improvement in our service delivery
  • Show you how well we are doing in each area
  • Provide standards to which we will be held accountable
  • Allow the Regulator to see which landlords may need to make improvements.

There are 22 main measures against which our performance will be measured against, broken down further in the table below:

  • 12 customer perception measures: These will show tenant satisfaction with the services we provide, for example, how well we’ve managed repairs or resolved complaints.
  • 10 performance measures: These measures are based on our performance information, for example, how many of our homes meet the Decent Homes standard and how many cases of anti-social behaviour have been reported to us.

The full list of TSMs  (opens in a new window) can be found on the government website.

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The Results

The results are shared with the Regulator, and will provide insight on the issues we need to focus on as your landlord.

Our figures for 2023/24 were as follows:

Key Theme

TSM Question


Overall Satisfaction

Overall satisfaction with the service provided by us


Keeping Properties in Good Repair

Satisfied with the repairs we carry out on your property


Satisfied with the time taken to complete your repair


Satisfied the home we provide is well maintained


Homes that do not meet the decent homes standard


Percentage of emergency repairs completed within target timescales


Percentage of non-emergency repairs completed within target timescales


Maintaining Building Safety

Satisfied your home is safe


Gas safety checks


Fire safety checks


Asbestos safety checks


Water safety checks


Lift safety checks


Respectful and Helpful Engagement

Satisfied we listen to your views and act on them


Satisfied we keep you informed about things that matter to you


Agreement we treat customers fairly and with respect


Effective Handling of Complaints



Satisfied with our approach to handling complaints


Number of complaints received relative to the size of us as a Landlord per 1,000 homes (Stage 1)


Number of complaints received relative to the size of us as a Landlord per 1,000 homes (Stage 2)


Complaints responded to within Complaints handling code timescales (Stage 1)


Complaints responded to within Complaints handling code timescales (Stage 2)


Proportion of stage one complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code timescales


Proportion of stage two complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code timescales


Responsible Neighbourhood Management

Satisfied we keep communal areas clean and well maintained


Satisfied we make positive contributions to neighbourhoods


Satisfied with our handling of anti-social behaviour


Number of anti-social behaviour cases opened per 1,000 homes


Number of anti-social behaviour cases that involve hate incidents opened per 1,000 homes



Thank you to everyone who took part.

We really appreciate you taking the time to share your views and feedback with us!


Some of the actions we are working on are:

  • Undertaking an exercise to review our current asbestos data, ensuring it meets the requirements of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and conforms with best industry practice. Following this review, a data cleansing exercise has taken place and a procurement exercise has been undertaken. We have successfully appointed a partner asbestos contractor to assist with achieving 100% compliance.
  • Undertaking an exercise to review our current fire risk assessments following recommendations from Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service to ensure our risk assessments meet the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and industry best practice. A procurement exercise has been undertaken to carry out fire risk assessments on all required buildings and a contractor successfully appointed to assist with achieving 100% compliance.
  • Amending the call wait time for the Housing Repairs telephone line, reducing the time you are in a queue and to prevent the call from ending before you have spoken to someone
  • Setting up a Complaints Panel where tenants will work with Officers to highlight any learning points.  Interested? Email housingengagement@rbxtowe.gov.uk to book your place.
  • Sending out customer satisfaction surveys for complaints handling to identify improvements we need to make
  • Recruiting a Change Delivery Manager to improve processes within the Housing Repairs and Asset Management teams
  • Created a communal cleaning programme for general needs blocks which we will be publicising to tenants and leaseholders
  • Introducing new Housing Service Standards which will tell you what level of service you can expect from us, and reporting progress against these to tenants regularly
  • Introducing tenant newsletters to improve communication and tell you what we have been working

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Summary of Approach

The Regulator of Social Housing requires us to publish a summary of our approach used to generate the published tenant satisfaction measures.

This table shares the information on how we collected the results:

How we collected the results



Number of responses


Timing of survey

11/11/2023 – 18/01/2024

Collection Method(s)

Mixed mode approach by telephone, email and postal.

Sample Method

Random, Stratified with quotas: Tenure, Age and Management Area

Any weighting applied to generate the reported perception measures (including a reference to all characteristics used to weight results)



The role of any named external contractor(s) in collecting, generating, or validating the reported perception measures


Acuity Research & Practice Ltd

Collecting, generating, validating reported perception measures

The number of tenant households within the relevant population that have not been included in the sample frame due to the exceptional circumstances described in paragraph below* with a broad rationale for their removal



Reasons for any failure to meet the required sample size requirements summarised in Table below**



Type and amount of any incentives offered to tenants to encourage survey completion


Shopping Vouchers. 1x £50 Voucher and 2x £25 vouchers.

Any other methodological issues likely to have a material impact on the tenant perception measures reported.



Summary of the assessment of representativeness of the sample against the relevant tenant population (including reference to the characteristics against which representativeness has been assessed)


See below



Summary of Approach - Tenure
 Tenure Population (No.)   Population (%) Sample (No.)  Sample (%) 
General Needs 3205 74% 809 70%
Independent Living  1094 25% 347 30%
Temporary Accommodation 19 0% 1 0%
  Total 4318   Total 1157  


Summary of Approach - Location
 Management Area Population (No.)   Population (%) Sample (No.)  Sample (%) 
Beeston 858 20% 241 21%
Chilwell/Toton 963 22% 256 22%
Eastwood/Brinsley/Newthorpe 860 20% 230 20%
Kimberley/Nuthall/Watnall/Awsworth 515 12% 150 13%
Stapleford/Bramcote/Trowell 1099 25% 278 24%
Temporary Accommodation 3 0% 2 0%
  Total 4318   Total 1157  


Age Range of Approach
 Management Area Population (No.)   Population (%) Sample (No.)  Sample (%) 
0 - 24 139 3% 33 3%
25 - 34 489 11% 113 10%
35 - 44 620 14% 144 12%
45 - 54 600 14% 142 12%
55 - 59 334 8% 92 8%
60 - 64 396 9% 111 10%
65 - 74 759 18% 222 19%
75 - 84 625 14% 200 17%
85+ 291 7% 86 7%
No Data 65 2% 14 1%
  Total 4318   Total 1157  


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Housing Strategy
tel: 0115 917 3935