Business Support and Advice

Broxtowe Borough Council is dedicated to supporting businesses of all sizes to flourish in Broxtowe. This page summarises the places where you can find support through the Council and other local organisations.

Business Advice

We will signpost you to partner organisations that can provide business support, advice and guidance. 

Find out more on our Business Advice page (Opens in a new window).

Business Bulletin

The Council sends out a fortnightly Business Bulletin that includes opportunities and events for businesses and those looking for training. We recommend businesses and those interested in starting a business signing up to this to get regular updates about events and support in the area. You can sign up using the Email Me service (Opens in a new window).

Grants and Funding

We will signpost you to all of the different business funding opportunities,.

Find out more on our Grants and Funding page.

Jobs Skills and Training

We offer an extensive list of the different training organisations within the locality and further afield for your workforce development needs.

Find out more on our Skills, Employment and Training Organisations page.

Sustainable Business

Advice and support on reducing your carbon footprint as a local business can be found on our Sustainable Business page. 

Supplying the Council

If you are looking to supply the Council, then please visit our Doing Business With The Council page.

Brexit Guidance

For more information on how new Brexit rules will affect your business, please visit the Government's Brexit guidance pages (Opens in a new window).

